PKS Party Rejects Idea of Islamic State

April 21, 2008

Lilian Budianto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) on Sunday launched a book detailing its political platform and dismissing the idea it aimed at making Indonesia an Islamic state.

The Islamic party also rejects the idea of a secular state in the predominantly Muslim nation, it says in the 643-page book titled “Struggling for a Civil Society”.

The book also says the PKS promotes a free market system, calling it the most reliable and efficient means to provide equality for all economic players, while also acknowledging it does not always guarantee the fulfillment of people’s rights.

Muslim scholar Azyumardi Azra and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who both spoke at the launch,praised the PKS for the book.

Azyumardi, also deputy secretary to Vice President Jusuf Kalla, said the PKS envisioned a moderate nation with its leaders, seeking to rule the country with Islamic values, not sharia law.

He said the book would explain the PKS’s stance on relations between Islam and the state to the public, which mostly misunderstood the PKS as a hard-line party.

“I recommend the PKS make an English version of this book to have more people learning about their platform.”

PKS chief patron Hilmi Aminuddin in his opening speech said the party envisioned a civil society in which people bring into practice their own religious teachings to support universal values of humanism.

The book was launched as the party was taking early leads in direct gubernatorial elections in West Java and North Sumatra. Political pundits say the six-year-old PKS could win significant votes in the 2009 general elections, challenging the two biggest parties, Golkar and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

The book says the PKS does not want an Islam-based nation but seeks to restore the existence of Islam, which it called under-represented during the leadership of both Sukarno and Soeharto.

It says the survival of the nation cannot be separated from Islam, whose values have flavored the local culture and politics and gradually translated into the social structure of many generations.

The party, symbolized by a rice stalk divided by two partially eclipsed moons, says it was striving to reposition Indonesia‘s identity based on an anthropological study of the nation.

“Islam has become the integrating factor for a multi-faced nation and it is the catalyst for nationalism. Islam is the flame, courage and spirit of the nation,” reads the book.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani told the launch ceremony she was surprised the PKS promoted a free market system.

She said it was true the free market did not always ensure the fulfillment of people’s rights because it only aimed at efficiency.

It is the government, she added, that should monitor and check the market to ensure efficiency is achieved.

The book says the current market is marked with monopoly and business crimes perpetrated by a small number of giant capital owners amid the government’s corrupt institutions and weak international bargaining power.

As a result, the economic system has failed to become an egalitarian system that promises people fair prosperity, says the book.

In response to the concept of just prosperity, Mulyani posed a philosophical question: “Is justice the goal or a means for the PKS?”

“Justice as the goal means you divide something — let’s say a cake — equally for a group of people while justice as the means refers to meritocracy.

“It is when one has to compete with rivals from thesame playing field to win the cake,” she said.

Mulyani praised the PKS’s platform for its comprehensible goals but said it lacked methodological explanations of how the party was going to achieve them.( Source:




  1. PKS menolak negara Islam ? Apa benar, sungguh mengerikan
    the PKS promotes a free market system = PKS promosikan sistem pasar bebas ? apa benar ? sungguh mengerikan , bukankah dengan free market system kapitalisme makin mencekik kita dan rakyat? mohon tanggapan petinggi PKS
    Finance Minister Sri Mulyani told the launch ceremony she was surprised the PKS promoted a free market system = Sri Mulyani (antek kapitalis ekonomi AS) surprise ? apa benar ? sungguh mengerikan . Mohon tanggapan petinggi PKS
    Azyumardi, also deputy secretary to Vice President Jusuf Kalla, said the PKS envisioned a moderate nation with its leaders, seeking to rule the country with Islamic values, not sharia law = menurut Azyumardi PKS bukan memperjuangkan syariah ? sungguh mengerikan ? mohon tanggapan petinggi PKS ? Kenapa hanya diam ?

  2. Ucok Sihaloho

    mengira demokrasi sekedar pemilu, mengira demokrasi sekedar keterwakilan di parlemen, mengira demokrasi satu2nya jalan memperjuangkan islam. tak mengira didunia cuma ada 3 induk mabda dengan fikroh&thoriqohnya. fikroh fashluddin ‘anil hayah otomatis menjadikan thoriqoh demokrasi dalam aspek sistem pemerintahannya. tak mengira itu akan menyebabkan otomatisasi para pejuang didalamnya thoriqoh ini untuk menghalalkan segala cara demi 1 tujuan, 1 harapan, 1 cita-cita, 1 angan-angan, 1 mimpi : meraih suara sebanyak-banyaknya. tak mengira sosialisasi mimpi-mimpi itu hanya akan menyebabkan ummat terkecoh untuk bangkit dengan sadar kenapa mereka terpuruk dan pelalaian aspek syariah mana yg menyebabkan mereka menjadi hina…………… bagaimana bisa menyadarkan ummat bila yg dilakukan justru menceburkan diri dalam perangkap thoriqoh (jalan satu2nya yg wajib ditempuh) untuk “terpaksa membodohkan” ummat?

    ya allah ya robbana, satukanlah hati pejuang2 islam untuk menegakkan syariah-Mu

  3. Hati2 dengan media,yang suka dengan sensasi…

    Inti dari ide PKS itu sendiri adalah mengenai “masyarakat madani” (civil society).
    Memang ide ini adalah buah dari sistim demokrasi.. Untuk itu sebaiknya topik ini saja yang dikomentari…
    Bukan judulnya .


  4. DINA di Cibinong

    Sangat disayangkan jika benar-benar saudara kita di PKS menolak negara Islam, apa yang sebenarnya mereka perjuangkan. Bukannya mereka juga orang – orang pintar yang tahu benar, bahwa sistem demokrasi dengan kapitalisme tidak layak diemban lagi dengan keboborokannya,yang sudah menghancurkan akidah umat Islam.

  5. kepribadian islami-keluarga islami-masyarakat islami-negara islami-dunia islami,semua harakah menuju cita-cita kesana.kekurangan & kelebihannya masing2 bisa saling melengkapi & mengoreksi. tanpa paksaan, tanpa celaan, niat busuk,menjatuhkan,buruk sangka, iri, dengki, hasud dsb.seharusnya kebahagiaan orang lain menjadi bahagianya kita juga pun dengan segala duka nestapa yang dialami saudara kita yang lain menjadi duka nestapa kita.apa sih yang kita cari? bukankah keridhaan Allah dan kebahagiaan dunia & akhirat.janganlah jadi pemakan bangkai saudaramu sendiri.mari kita berlomba lomba dalam kebaikan semoga Allah mempertemukan kita kelak di jannahnya

  6. hidup ini hanya untuk satu, beribadah kepada Alloh, melaksanakan perintahNya dan menjauhi laranganNya. tentunya tujuan hidup itu harus dilaksanakan dalam setiap aspek termasuk dalam sebuah sistem negara. so islamic state, why not?

  7. apakah kursi dewan itu sudah begitu nyamannya hingga mereka mampu kecanduan ? apakah mereka lupa akan janjinya terhadap para kader, smpatisan dan masyarakat yang mendukungnya ? tidakkah mereka paham akan taklif allah dan rasulnya atas agama dan umatnya ? tidakkah mereka memikirkannya ?

    saya harap mereka mau sadar dan kembali kepada tujuan mulia, yaitu menerapkan aturan-aturan (syariat) islam dengan institusi (daulah)islamnya

  8. Puguh oge PKS mah jadi lieur lah……..

  9. Partai islam yg masuk parlemen saat ini..
    tidak mampu meberi warna dan malah diwarnai
    tidak jelas ‘jenis kelaminya’

  10. Wahai saudaraku di PKS jangan biarkan pemikiran-pemikiran moderat merasuki pemikiran antum semua,
    If you say thats you rejects idea of islamic state I’am sorry because of your statment I just want to say that I must rejects the party who participate in the parlement.
    jika kalian menerima ide pendirian Daulah Khilafah, maka marilah kita bersama-sama berjuang untuk mewujudkannya.
    jangan kecewakan kader-kader yang telah berjuang untuk islam.
    Keep Fight For Islam
    Keep Fight For Syari’a
    Keep Fight For Daulah Khilafah
    Allahu Akbar….

  11. apakah negara kita akan dirubah menjadi negara ‘islam’? bagaimana dengan yang non-muslim?

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