Announcement for Foreign Participants of International Khilafah Conference

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

May Allah SWT always bless us in doing our daily duties and activities and in fulfilling His call for the re-establishment of Khilafah. Amien.

Alhamdulillah, The Committee of International Khilafah Conference 2007 has prepared the package for the participants of the conference from abroad. The package covers the transportation (to and from) the airport – hotel – stadium including the accomodation in a hotel.

The Package:

1. The accomodation and the transportation
The package of accomodation that we offer includes:

  • Room in Two Stars Hotel
  • Three times (3 X) Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
  • Transportation is provided from the airport – hotel – stadium (vice versa)

Insya Allah, the hotel that we provide is the one that complies with the Syariah principles

2. The Price
The net price of the package is $ US 70/day/person

3. Money transfer
Please transfer the money to Bank …. Account number…………
(by mentioning your name and the country of origin)

4. Deadline of the package booking
July 24, 2007 or 3 weeks before the D day.

For further information, please contact:

Riza Aulia
Mobile Phone: 62-812-8133195
Email :


  1. Iwan Setiawan

    For our brother that want to arrive this conference from abroad Indonesia (Denmark, Britain, Palestine, Trinidad, Japan, Australia, USA and other country), please contact the committe by email or mobile phone. We were read your email and insya Allah will help you all. Keep contact …

  2. abdul rehman


    brother i want to know, How much is the price of

    the package for the participants of the conference from abroad. (I live in denmark).

  3. Wa alaikum salam.

    brother, as you can read the above information,we only provide the package that includes accomodation and transportation excluding the flight ticket. We suggest that you buy the round-trip flight ticket from your country because, generally, if you buy the ticket from jakarta it is more expensive, except if there is no other choice.

  4. AL SALAM ALAIKOM WA BRAKA ALLAHU FIKUM ,iwill askk about the conforence can i wath it live in tv, or net, or another way iff yes can u tell me brother. WA BARAKA ALLAHU FIK

  5. salaam wa rahma. May Allah SWt reward you for your efforts and struggle. Many of us from the K wanted to come but are unable to however our duas and sincere thoughts are with you. InshAllah ta’ala you all will be rewarded for such an effort. Please feel the unoity and euphoria re. this work as we have a conference on Khilafah the need and method here on the 4th August 2007 inshAllah ta’ala. So do make dua for us too!
    I hope you will feel how much we appreciate your work.

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